
Stephen King is the “King of Horror” (pun intended). No doubt about it. Since scribing his first book Carrie in […]

There are some authors who shun the limelight, rarely giving interviews or appearing at public events. Then there are other

The magic of princesses, true love’s kiss, and fights against evil witches and wizards have made fairytales beloved by children

An idiom is a group of words making up a phrase with a symbolic meaning rather than a literal meaning.

Ever since Geoffrey Chaucer picked up his quill in the late 1300s, scratched his chin thoughtfully, and declared that he

Publishing a book is often a cathartic experience for writers. It allows them to share their deepest and most heartfelt

What makes a story strange? The plot, the writing, the characters, the formatting? Whether fiction or nonfiction, new or old,

These aren’t feel-good fairy tales. These books push past societal boundaries to explore the human psyche’s desire and capacity for

Cities evolve. People evolve. Even the planet evolves. And so does the way we earn our money. The Golden Age

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